How to setup to record and playback?

1 Please make sure you system come with hard drive, if the system come with hard drive, you can check the hard disk capacity.

If you system don’t come with hard drive, please install a SATA 3.5 inch internal hard drive.

Main menu>HDD info

The status  is normal

Property is read/write

2 Then you can setup to record:

Main menu> Record

Channel: there is pull down option to select channels

Length: the video length

Mode: there are 3 modes

Schedule : 24 hours recording

Manual: you can setup recording time manually

Stop : don’t record


Day: there is pull download option

Period : standard or motion

Standard: 24 hours recording

Motion: record only when motion detected


Playback video

Main menu>playback

Select the channel and date, click the play button, then you can playback the videos.